Monday, November 4, 2013

Arizona Professional Land Surveyors and You

For those that don't know I am the Chairman of APLS.  As the chairman I have assumed the role as the figure head of this organization.  I have been continuously involved with APLS for 28 years.  I am writing this as a means of getting the word out about APLS. 

APLS was chartered as an organization of surveying professionals who sought to make the profession of Land Surveying better.  Having said that I think we can all agree that some in the profession will not always agree with the direction has has been going.  First with CEUs and now the revisions to the minimum standards.

I believe it is important for everyone to remember that although we all may not agree on the particular route APLS may take in the betterment of the profession.  The end game is to make things better for the practicing surveyor in Arizona.  At the moment the surveying profession is beset with several challenges that lie ahead.  Recently the SBTR let us know that they intend to refine the definition of surveying in the state.  APLS and the SBTR may not agree on all positions; we as APLS has tried to act as a single sounding board for what surveyors would like to see.  Again some don't agree with the route APLS is taking but I think the majority agree that the current state of affairs is less than what is desired. 

What the practicing surveyor needs to know is that membership is strictly voluntary and as a member you can influence how APLS policy will answer these challenges.  It would be nice if all practicing land surveyors joined but that is not reality.  So many will strike out on their own and voice opinions to the SBTR.  To them I say good luck and God's speed.  However it would be nice if we all came together as one voice and spoke from a position of strength to the SBTR.  This is where I believe the chapters can make a real difference.  If the chapters were to open their meetings up to non-members then the non-member could see we do not act under the cover of darkness but out in the open.  Together we can accomplish the goals we all agree on.  On the issues we don't agree on we can at least have an educated debate and clarify what issues are important.