Friday, May 25, 2012

The Mayor has Left the Building

It is official.  I am now the former Mayor of Springerville Arizona.  24 months in city government and never been elected.....or on a ballot.

Here's what happened.  I had been working working with the town's community development coordinator on several issues.  One day she asks me if I would be willing to fill a vacancy on the planning and zoning commission.  At first I thought; NO.  Then I thought about it and decided that an informed opinion may be what the commission needed.  P&Z was fun.  6 months in, find out that a city council member is resigning so he can run for Mayor.  The current Mayor asks me if I would be willing to fill the vacancy on the city council.  So I go from Commissioner Muth to Councilman Muth.  So after a month the newly elected Mayor asks me if I would be his Vice Mayor.  So I accept.  Then after 3 months the Mayor resigns and ta da; I am the Mayor.

Some Highlights during my political career -
June 2010 - Plane crashes into the High School Killing all on board
June 2011 - The Wallow fire
August 2011 - The flooding caused by the fire.
Personally met with: Govenor Brewer, Senator Kyle, Senator McCain; Representative Flake, Representative Gosar - Because of the fire.

Between town stuff and surveying I am a tired boy......

Be safe this Memorial Day. And to my Compadres in the South - Viva La SALSA....

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