Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gila County Part 3

Sorry for the late update.  Tuesday was a really productive day in my opinion; in dealing with the folks in Gila County Government.  first I want to acknowledge that these are well intentioned and conscientious folks.  It is the methodology that is flawed.

I had an in depth conversation with the Director of Community Development for Gila County and he basically spelled it out.  They want to review every type of survey as a means keeping up with whats going on in Gila County.  I can't argue with that.  What we discussed was simple.  He was in no position to "review" Records of Survey and hinder the recording process.  He agreed in part but was infattic about keeping the process in place.  I suggested that if he reviewed the surveys before they were recorded and sent them back to have "issues" addressed that he was opening himself and the county up to legal action.  He disagreed.  But I think his department is complicit in the blatant violation of ARS 11-477(read it, its juicy).  So as the conversation went on he advised me that the land surveyor(s) in his department review surveys to protect the public.  I responded by saying, in my opinion these individuals may be breaching their ethical responsibility since they have no right to review a Record of Survey BEFORE it is a matter of public record. That made the man think. 

Then I went on to say that I emphatically refused to submit myself to having any of my surveys reviewed.  He came back with my clients won't be issued any permits from the county unless they are reviewed.  To which I replied give me that in writing.  So then I brought up having plats sent out to the communities in Gila County for Review.  He did agree that perhaps this was far reaching but contended that the towns also had the right to stay informed.  I can't argue with that except to say AFTER recordation yes; BEFORE recordation no. 

So basically; here is where I am at.  If the bureaucrats of Gila County continue to obstruct my lawful recordation of Records of Survey then I will have no choice but to seek legal action to stop it. 

At this point APLS needs to get involved with the counties and work to educate them.  I am working on Gila County; So split up and move forward.  My brother's in arms (SALSA) have been working with Pima County.  Regionaly we need to keep the awareness in the fore front.  Otherwise the governing jurisdictions will run over the top of us.


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