Monday, March 17, 2014

Well I guess....

its time for me to consider whether or not there is any point to striving to make the land surveying profession any better.  Apparently I was under the mistaken belief that the purpose of a professional organization was to promote the betterment and development of the profession.  I guess what we are really supposed to do; is have meetings and discuss stuff so we can feel better about ourselves without actually doing anything.  Silly me.....

1 comment:

  1. We all have different opinions about "the betterment and development of the profession". Continuing education will happen in time. Some of us think that the MS could morph into an acceptable document, but it remains problematic. Others think that the profession would be better served first by a functional website and forum. When you are making rules and laws for others, it should be a difficult, messy and democratic process.
