Thursday, April 5, 2012

Where are we Professionally Part 2

So here I am taking a break from the typical spring wind that graces the White Mountains and trying to get my office work caught up.  I created this blog as a means of trying to get my point across without blasting emails.  Chat rooms can be fun but something always gets lost in the conversation.

Today's response has been generally positive and I am relieved by that.  There has been an under lying theme to the multiple conversations I have had today.  THE BTR.

This is strictly my point of view and I am not speaking on behalf of any organization or group.  Ladies and Gentleman of the surveying profession I submit that we as a collective body need to get our act together.  The BTR is an agency that regulates our profession.  They do it by getting input from the surveying community.  We as a surveying community have to come together and set forth the course of our future.  The BTR will only act on issues that we as a profession bring to their attention.  If we think the test is to easy; we need to say so.  If we think enforcement is lacking; we need to say so.

We as professionals have got to take charge.  We have to assume the leadership role and not be intimidated by the BTR process.  They are very receptive to the input from the professions but they have to be willing to participate.  Moreover it helps when the message is clear.  Our profession should provide a unified front in one direction or the other on whatever issue you choose.  Undermining each other and public displays of contrition only give the appearance of folly.  

I would also like to submit that before we set out to present the BTR with a laundry list of problems we had better be prepared with solutions..

1 comment:

  1. You're really good getting your point across.
    Well said and I agree with both posts.
