So we had an interesting day in the field today. Had to use an instrument and actually traverse. It was fun. It gave us a chance to get some old juices flowing. During the course of our survey we were retracing an old un recorded survey from 1946. Those boys did some good work given the broken terrain and dense cover. They set 1 inch pipes at the monuments and we found most of them. A good day in anybodies book. BUT; within a foot of these pipes we found rebar and caps. No record of survey and they hadn't been there long enough to be exempt from the recording statute. So we head back to the office and look the guy up and give him a call.
Well he didn't know why it wasn't recorded and had no intention since the engineering firm he worked for was no longer in business. Then he goes on to say just pull them out. Well that didn;t sit well. A fence had been built to them so they have been relied on dispite the erronoeus location. So now what?
At first thought one might get mad and take to the BTR. A second thought is to show the erronoeous pins and thier relation to the original monuments or the reset points based thereon. Is it just me or isn't there some level of responsibility that goes along with seeting a monument if you fin out it it is wrong? Or can we just walk away and never look back. I know how I feel about it. What does the bloggoshere think?
On another note. A long time compadre of dad and mine is retiring and having a get together in Tucson. I can't make it. So I just want to say "Via con Dios" to Haze.. He is one of the people who tought me how to have fun while surveying and I look back foundly and the times we worked together. He was really patient with the snot nosed kid who was following him around. The two fondest memories were freezing our asses off Nutrioso, and distance meter lense cap fiasco at the airport in Springerville. Good times; and worth laughing about now. For the moment I will keep them just for me and those involved.
And to the rest of my comrades in the south land "Viva LA SALSA"......
Gotta love those old patient guys!!
ReplyDeleteThe other surveyor is majorly liable and I find it strange how someone can shirk their responsibility without blinking.
Blowing off old monuments in my opinion is a mistake. I am a big fan of evidence over written and learned that the hard way.
I personally would just file my own map and move along. Any other surveyor with common sense will know whats up when they see your survey.
Yeah but how much of this kind of crap are supposed to ignore. He has since contacted us saying he can't record without compensation. He is done. The complaint is on the way....